Abdul Rahman Tukiman - this mountain boy childhood lived with poverty. Luckily, from poor meatball trade business he is now becoming a successful entrepreneur. His childhood passed in a small hamlet, the village Sumurup, District Dam, Trenggalek, East Java. The village was arguably the least economically advanced. In addition to its remote also natural conditions surrounding hilly and barren rocks that are less favorable for agriculture. But the middle of the round is not fun, foster strong, long-suffering, it is not easy to complain and never want to give up in a child named Abdul Rahman Tukiman.
Was born on April 4, 1961 the couple Mr. and Mrs. Paijem Saimun this, Abdul Rahman Tukiman childhood practically impassable by heavy enough. The problem, though parents have the fields are quite spacious, but since the age of 9 years she had become an orphan. Automated, comprehensive and fields it became more like a no man's land because no one managing. Meanwhile, brother, sister and mother still had to eat and relies on the results of the paddy fields. There is no other way, finally to survive are forced to hide for the sake of rice fields have been exhausted mortgaged. As a result, family life becomes erratic and worsen over time.
But bitterness is not necessarily continue mourned by Cak Man so the nickname of Abdul Rahman Tukiman. Became whip. As he was a teenager, armed with a strong determination to children 5 of 8 brothers and knocked her to get out of poverty by leaving his beloved village to try his luck in the city.
At that time he did not know going into the town where, much less pocket money that is collected is also lacking. In an almost desperate condition, good fortune came. Suddenly there was a businessman named Mr. Sumaji Meatballs is looking for the village youth to work in Malang. Hearing that Cak Man unthinkingly job then welcomed the offer.
trade Meatballs
Although it was hard to leave my mother and her family, Cak Man steady pace to work in the city. The first set foot in Malang, all the work done. From helping cook meatballs, wash the cookware to prepare the meatballs in the meatball carts selling his boss will be brought around.

After a long time the work was boring, he finally intend to participate in selling meatballs around as well. "The first time selling 1980 when he was 19 years old excited about taste," Gomez said. Not surprisingly, the sale of meetballs was selling sweet. As a result, since then selling meatballs, be a day that feels wonderful for him because his income exceeds what can be acquired when they help find wood in the village.
After passing through hard times and happy selling meatballs plus the experience to go with 3 skipper, occurred in the liver Cak Man to sell itself. Because after the count is calculated meatballs turned out to sell themselves very profitable. But again, all hit the capital. Back then Cak Man does not have any money for working capital. New in 1984, capitalize savings during the 2-year results of Rp 77 thousand, Cak Man ventured to open meatball stall. "Start the year I was selling meatballs alone," he said.
The principle at the time was simple, "As people learn martial arts," he said. Armed with the experience of working on 3 skipper meatballs, each of which has a stance mainstay, of course, he also could also have a powerful moment which is a combination of all three of the warrior stance mainstay 3. "By combining the advantages of 3 skipper, I am sure that the homemade meatballs to be far superior and favored people," he said again.
As with other businesses, in the days of the first colored instability, these days busy, the next day was quiet. Faced with such conditions, rather than dampen Cak Man's heart ceased but increase your enthusiasm for how to make a tasty meatball eyes of customers.
Success was achieved
Hard work and tenacity paid off. Meatball stall every day flooded with customers. Other branches were then founded. The success achieved gradually Cak Man. Until he franchise his business and in February 2007 established PT Kota Jaya, to take care of his business management meatballs to make it more modern. Amazingly, now after 23 years of effort meatballs her walk, she has had 57 fruit stores and able to absorb hundreds of workers. Assuming each outlet employs 16 employees (outside the stall owner), then with 60 outlets that exist today, the village Cak Man is able to accommodate the amount of labor as much: 57 x 16 = 960 people.
Not only that, everywhere he now no longer walk or ride a bicycle. He was able to ride a luxury car complete with driver always ready to take wherever he went. Her house was very large consisting of two floors covering an area of ​​1000 m2. His wife was Hj. Mariyah Maryatun. Her first child, Andik Purwanto is completing her studies at the FIA, Brawijaya University, Malang. The second child, Yuli Nur Avianti who are still attending high school, and the child when Cantika Rahmadani daughter was a toddler. Although all have been achieved, Cak Man does not necessarily forget their origins are rustic and Katro wong. He was humble and polite to everyone.

Cak Man admits, during the pioneering efforts of many memorable things I've ever experienced, especially in 1990 - 2000. For example, in 1993 he was from the sale of meatballs he managed to buy a used car made in 1986. However, because the house is in a small alley, then each the night he was forced to sleep in the car while waiting for his car, parked on the roadside.
Besides that, he also managed to open new outlets in Jl. Ciliwung, Jl. Maj Wiyono and in several other places in the municipality of Malang. From this end Cak Man sat with Meatballs His town as meatballs-poor traders on board who has the most outlets. Not only that, Cak Man then also purchased a house on Jl. Kedawung II / 11. In addition to a new home as a residence as well as a place to cook and shelter employees.

Despite coming from a village on the slopes, Cak Man has a very strong vision of the future. Cak Man believes that everyone should have goals and to achieve them need earnest effort coupled with a willingness to learn from anyone.
"My key build up to this big business is constantly improving the quality and service, create new innovations (originally only 6 variants are now 22 variants), often following training activities, patent trademark and apply modern management," he said.

Moreover, no less important and always adhered Cak Man is always thinking for the long term. "Previously, if only to sell traditional meatballs, I do not need to do all sorts. Now, can not stay away.

Now, Bakso Kota Cak Man has positioned itself as one of the fast-food restaurant native Indonesia is struggling to compete with foreign fast-food restaurant like KFC, McDonald, Hoka-hoka Bento and others. So, I have to clean themselves to improve the quality of products and services, "he explained.

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