Welcome back to my blog, as usual, I returned to redistribute article useful to me, now that I share this time about SYSTEMS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING, To achieve exceptional results we must have systems and marketing environment is right, just The first

Someone who saw object from the point of view will have a different picture with other people who also saw the object from the point of view of others. Similarly, marketing, can be learned from a different approach. each approach has a view, the question - the question and the information is different, but this difference remained under the same object. Several reviews have been conducted to study the marketing system. Such approaches are: 1. all-round approach to goods (commodity approach), 2. paced approach function (fungctional approach). 3. all-round approach to the institution (institutional approach). 4. The all-round approach to management (managerial approach) and 5. The total system approach (total system approach).

All-round approach to the goods or also called industrial organization approach, (industrial organization approach) is an approach to marketing that involves the study of how certain goods move from point of production to the final consumer or industrial consumers. Processes and organization used herein must be made for each - each item. Thus, this approach only describe the terms of the marketing of the goods contained.

All-round approach to study the function of marketing in terms of the classification of activities or functions. The marketing functions available are:
- The function of the exchange, including: purchase and sale
- Provision of physical function, include: Transportation and Storage
- Supporting functions, including: expenditure, underwriting risk, grading and standardization of goods and market information collection.

Functions relating to the purchase and sale of exchange of goods from the seller to the buyer. Function purchases made by the buyer to choose the type of items to be purchased, the desired quality, quantity sufficient and appropriate providers. While the sales function, which is generally regarded as the most extensive marketing functions, including activities to find markets and affect demand through personal selling and advertising.

Transport and storage functions related to the transfer of goods from production to point of consumption. In addition, the function is also related to the storage of goods until it is needed by the consumer. The transport functions can be done by train, ship, truck, aircraft, and so on. While the storage function can dilakuakan by manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and specialized firms that carry out storage, such as a warehouse (public warehouse).

Supporting functions that include functions of expenditure, underwriting risks, standardization of goods and grading, as well as the collection of market information can assist in the implementation of other functions. Expenditure function aims to provide funds to serve the credit sales or to carry out other marketing functions. Underwriting risks, such as bear the risk of loss of the company, is an activity that always exist in all business activities. Standardization is a function which aims to simplify the purchase decision-making by creating a class of certain goods is based on criteria such as size, weight, color, and taste. While grading identify the class of goods into various grades of quality. The last function in supporting functions, namely the collection of market information, aiming to collect a wide variety of marketing information that can be used by marketing managers to make decisions.

The third approach to the study of marketing is a versatile approach to the institution. The approach was to study marketing in terms of organization / institutions involved in marketing activities, such as: manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, agents support such as a trucking company, enterprise storage / warehousing, and agents appendages such as advertising agencies, financial institutions etc. All these institutions form a so-called one marketing system. This does not mean sam with the total system approach.

All-round approach to studying marketing management with an emphasis on the opinions of managers and their decisions. Here, the marketing terms as a framework that consists of variables that DAPT controlled as the company's product, place (distribution channels), price, and promotion, plus the variables that can not be controlled or environmental variables such as competition, demand and the public. Thus, this approach mempeajari emphasis on marketing issues faced by producers as a shortage of other aspects of the marketing system.

Total System 5. Approach
This total system approach includes elements of comprehensive marketing system, including all four approaches in advance.

To hold this marketing system on the approach course, we need to know about what is meant by the system and marketing system, application, as well as the advantages and the problems contained therein.

According webste's New Collegiate Dictionary, the system can be defined as: Interaction regularly or group of parts interdependent which form an integral whole
Thus, in a system are the parts (subsystems) that form a single unit. Each of these parts are interconnected and influence each other. The human body can be termed as organic system that has limbs and parts that are smaller; while the environment around us is called ecological system. From these examples it can be seen that a system can be a subsystem of a larger system.
Now we connect the definition of "system" with the marketing system. In marketing interacting factors are interdependent is:
organizations that perform marketing tasks
something (goods, services, ideas, people) that is being marketed.
the intended market, intermediaries who assist in the exchange (current) between a marketing organization and its market. They are retailers, big traders, transporting agents, financial institutions and so on.
environmental factors, such as demographics, economic conditions, social and cultural factors, political forces, and law, technology and competition.
Thus, the marketing system can be defined as: a collection of institutions that perform marketing tasks, goods, services, ideas, people, environmental factors. Mutual influence and shape affect each company's relationship with its market.
In its simplest form, the marketing system consists of two elements that interact, the marketing organization and its target market. Both of these elements are connected by a tidal stream / current, as shown in Figure 9. one of the two pairs of these flows consisted of a company that distributes goods or services to consumers, who then receive payments from consumers in return. Flow is the flow of information.
The company uses sales force or advertising for communicating with the market. Then, as the feedback, provide market information to companies.

+ Most Simple Marketing System
In fact, the company's marketing system is not as simple as in the picture above, but there are other elements included in the system. This makes the system becomes more complex. Moreover, the system becomes more complex again with adany risk factors and uncertainties. In this case, the system approach is used as a method to make adjustments to the nature kompek, the conditions of risk and uncertainty such tersebut.dengan marketing system will always be influenced by environmental factors (discussed later).

+ Application System Concepts in Marketing
System approach has been applied by several companies in many parts of the program marketing. model-symbolic models have been created to describe, quantify, and assess alternatives marketing . industri tourism program, for example, has increased its market penetration by creating tour packages (including accommodation expenses) more practical and economical than on the consumer's own tour.
Actually, consumers purchase requirements that can give rather than to the product itself, but through the benefits of the products (product benefits). For example, female consumers to buy beauty, rather than cosmetic.
By knowing these problems, the company DAPT use the system in product management. It is intended to develop and market benefits of the products it makes.
One of the first application of the theory in the marketing system is the field of physical industrial management. Activities such as transportation, warehousing and inventory control are managed separately. However, each activity should be mutually adjust terse4but well. This led to the emergence of a wide variety of quantitative analysis as well as new discoveries, such as container ships, forklift truck, inter-provincial highway system, and so on. Moreover, with the computer also provides the possibility for all parties to be able to solve problems more effectively.

+ Benefits And Problems - Problems In Using Systems Approach
The use of the concept in marketing is an orientation system methodically to solve a problem, including pual all aspects contained. This approach can be used to coordinate all marketing tools available, as well as giving the possibility to the company to make marketing more efficient and economical. The problems to be faced can be identified more quickly because management can better understand the role of all the variables concerned. Finally the results of these activities can be assessed quantitatively. It would be better if these assessments using a computer making it possible for management to manage complex data quickly.
As for the problems encountered in the system approach in the field of marketing between assessments:

~ Takes time and cost to implement.
~ Requires considerations of social and psychological in human behavior.
~ Maybe there are many irregularities concerning the psychological nature such as: "more like an artist than a scientist". So, people prefer to use a feeling or prejudice.
In operation, the company's marketing system is influenced by environmental factors of the system, both in outside and inside the company. Factors that include external environment in general can not be controlled by management:
The first group is the macro factors such as culture, regulations, and economic conditions.
while the second group is called micro-enterprise environment, such as providers (suppliers), an intermediary company and the buyer.
Although these elements are outside the company, but has a closed relationship with specific companies, and are also part of the company's total marketing system.
1. Environment external macro
six factors following macro environment are interconnected and are generally not controllable management.

a. Demography
b. Economic conditions
c. Social and cultural factors
d. Political and legal factors
e. Technology
f. Competition

Social objectives and the new economy is being prepared ahead of the 1980's with the fact that the birth rate declining, reserves of natural resources dwindle, the energy costs are soaring, the rate of economic growth is declining, and is developing several social groups that have different values.

Demography is the statistical study of population and its distribution characteristics. The demographic issue is very important for marketing managers, because people (origin have money to spend, and the willingness to spend it) can be expressed as the market. Here will be given an example of how demographic factors can affect the marketing system.
Since 1961, the number of Indonesian population experiencing increasing growth. This can provide greater influence on marketing activities. A large number of good marketing to children's toys, as well as school supplies, and so on. If the number of marriages increased so that more young bride, then goods type of household appliance will have a good market.
So it is true, that the marketing system influenced by demographic factors. Therefore, companies need to make adjustments to the plan will be made against these factors. For example, by knowing the number of babies born this year, the company can estimate the number of children who will be entering the age of 6 years to come.

b. Economy conditions
Economic conditions (economic environment) is one of important factors could affect the company's marketing systems (including non-greedy) .For some of the elements included in the economic conditions, among others:
- Factors of economic growth, which has recently shown a level less encouraging.
- Level pleasure
- Circulation of money
- Inflation pressures
The level of household income related to the price level and lmflasi which also affects marketing system the company.In this case we also see consumer psikhologi factors, such people prefer to save rather than buy goods . While others there are more happy spend money rather than save in the bank , because he has the presumption that prices will always go up.

c. Social and Culture
Social-cultural environment this fact cover well as economic factors, political-legal, and technology . form and sistsem economic, political-legal and technology is determined by human-induced social culture . Effect along like pollution, can push government to make necessary thing regulations also encourage the use of new technologies to reduce pollution . Some factor to be considered by the marketing manager in terms of the cultural patterns of a society:
- Way of life
- The values ​​of social
- Trust
- Fun

The increasing number of companies and actions is strongly influenced by the political and legal framework prevailing in the society. Regulations that affect marketing activities not only from institution - governmental organizations, but also from the combined / associations of entrepreneurs themselves. In essence, factor-factor of political-legal environment affecting marketing activities can be grouped into:
* Fiscal and monetary policies of governments
* The relationship of government with industry
* Rules and political situation in general
* Special rules in the field of marketing aimed at megatur competition and protect consumers.

e. Technology
This technology also affect marketing activities because it can give an effect on the lives of consumers, especially the way of life and consumption patterns. The existence of new discoveries and developments in technology, one can change the way of life. For example: the discovery of tool rapid transport (aircraft) allows for people to regulate the use time more efficiently. Therefore, the technology must be able to follow the needs of consumers.
However, keep in mind that the new discoveries in the field of technology can also cause imbalances or bad effect on society. For example, using a car one can reach the destination faster and tastier than to wear a bicycle or another. But, on the other hand there are more and more cars that can cause more pollution, and traffic jam.

f. Competition
Competition that took place between some companies may come from other companies in an industry, or from other companies that produce goods or services of substitution. Within the industry, companies need to know the cost structure, the political price, promotion, and some other competition aspects that could affect the planning and operations.

2. The external microenvironment
Three environmental factors that directly take part in the company's marketing system, and is a factor ektern of the company is the market, providers, and marketing intermediaries. In general, factor-factor is viewed as a factor that can not be controlled as well as the macro environment. However, these micro environmental factors will provide a greater influence of the macro factors. In this case it is possible for a company to use its influence to intermediaries and providers. Which in turn could affect the company's marketing efforts existing markets as well as market potential.
In some situations, companies do not always use intermediaries in the marketing, all marketing activities done alone. Here, directly facing the provider company in the purchase of materials, and deal with clients in product sales. In general, these intermediaries have a better experience in the field of marketing efforts are only intended for the field.

The Company has the objective to reach the target market and satisfy consumer desires. To achieve these objectives, management can use two groups of internal variables that can be controlled: 1. sources instead of marketing (non-marketing) companies, and 2. The components of the marketing mix of product, price stricture, the system of distribution and promotional activities (see Figure 10).

1. The sources instead of marketing
Marketing system of a company is influenced by the ability of production, finance, and personnel, if the company wants to add a new product, to consider whether the existing equipment can be used, or the need to add new equipment. If required additional new equipment, then finance aspect here is crucial. It can also happen that the company did not manage to enter a new market area or market for new goods because of the lack of personnel in the field of marketing. Factors not other marketing that must be considered is the location of the company, research and development can be realized by using the right patten and the image of society (public image) the location of the plant is often determine the geographical boundaries of the enterprise market, especially when transport costs are high or easily damage the goods transported .

2. Marketing Mix.
Marketing mix is ​​a combination of four variables or activities that are the core of the company's marketing system, namely: product, price structure, promotional activities, and the distribution system.
The fourth element contained in such combinations are interconnected. Besides the concept of the system as a decision where each element in them influence each other, any existing variable has a lot of subvariable. Companies can market one or several kinds of products, both of which have anything to do or not. Merreka can distribute through wholesalers or directly to retailers, and so on. Finally, of the many variables, management should choose the best combination that can adapt to the environment. In summary, each of these marketing mix variables (P, H, D, P) will be described as follows:

# Products
In the management of the products included in the planning and development of products and / services that are good for marketed by the company. There needs to be a guideline for changing the existing products, add new products, or take other actions that could affect discretion in determining the product. In addition, decisions need to be taken regarding the problem branding, packaging, colors, and shapes other products.

# Prices
In wisdom price, management must determine the base price of the product, then decide discretion regarding discounts, payment of postage and other matters relating to price.

# Promotion
Promotion is a component that is used to inform and influence the market for the company's products. The activities are included in the promotion are: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity, public relations.

# Distribution
Part of the task is to choose an intermediary distribution that will be used in the distribution channel, as well as developing the physical distribution system, manangani and transporting the products through the channel. This is so that products can reach the target market on time.
The concept of the marketing mix can also be applied to non-business agencies or non-profit. For example: a museum.
~ Products: as a product of the museum is an exhibition of paintings and sculptures as well as other items that can provide the benefits of education, enjoyment, use of leisure time, and so on.
~ Price: in the form of public donations and the price of admission.
~ Distribution: kepasarnya directly from the museum, do not use marketing intermediaries.
~ Promotion: advertisements in various media about the exhibition, and a signboard in front of the museum.

From the description on the face can be drawn a conclusion that the company's marketing efforts starts from consumers and end consumers as well. Management should determine the target market, analyze, and then develop a program to reach those markets. nah so that I can share this time may be useful for the progress of the economy. Thank you for visiting see you next time *-)

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