Hai met back with me, thank you in advance've been back here, now, on this occasion I will share another useful article which I think is from the same source. Currently we are in the position as a businessman certainly would want his business successful and profitable, and to achieve success was not easy, armed with knowledge and capital into components that can not be separated from an entrepreneur who is honest, when starting a business we must also consider steps what would we use and what strategies we will use to obtain optimal results, just the first one:
Entrepreneurs who have started to recognize that marketing is an important factor for success for the company, will be aware of the ways and new philosophy involved. Ways and new philosophy is called the concept of marketing (marketing concept). The marketing concept is made using three basic factors:
* All the planning and activities of the company must be oriented to the consumer / market
* The volume of profitable sales should be the goal of the company, rather than volume for volume's sake alone.
* All of the company's marketing activities must be coordinated and integrated organization.
Can definitively be said that:
The marketing concept is a business philosophy that states that satisfying customer needs is a prerequisite for economic and social survival of the company. The definition has the consequence that all company activities including production, engineering, finance, and marketing efforts should be aimed at knowing the needs of the buyer, then satisfying those needs by getting a decent profit in the long term. In industrial companies, for example, the marketing department plays a very important, because it determines the ultimate success the efforts of companies, organizations that embrace the concept of a marketing company called marketing organization.
In the marketing organization, all activities of the company to produce and sell goods based on marketing issues. So marketing becomes the basic motivation of the company and the company's political will affect both short and long term.
Next, we will discuss three important factors that are used as a basis for marketing concept.
Henry Ford (King car from the United States) said that the main colors for the cars should be black. He seems more interested in the field of production rather than an adjustment to the needs and desires of consumers. He felt that the best car is a car that is reliable and not expensive. But in reality, the cars it sells are older model car. As with the company General Motors where entrepreneurs are always trying to figure out the basic needs of consumers. they began making cars in a variety of colors and shapes, and finally can attract market dominated by Ford at that time. Now 50% of the market for new cars has been mastered. This is an example of the orientation of the consumer. In essence, companies who want to practice the orientation of these consumers should:
* Determine the basic needs of buyers who will be served and met, the company that manufactures basically produces automobile transport tool, while the transport apparatus itself can be made in a variety of models and sizes.
* Selecting a specific group of buyers as a target in sales.
* Determine the product and marketing program.
* Conduct research on consumers, to measure, assess, and interpret the desires, attitudes, and behavior.
* Determine and implement the best strategy, whether the emphasis on high quality, low price or an interesting model.
To provide optimal customer satisfaction, all elements of marketing that there should be coordinated and integrated. Besides that, also to avoid a conflict within the company and between the company and its markets. All parts in the company should be aware that their actions affect the company's ability to create and retain customers. For example, the finance department provide decent credit, part of the product to make products that suit the tastes of consumers, the sales department to send the goods on time, and so on.
One solution to overcome the problem of coordination and integration is to use one person who has the responsibility of all marketing activities, ie marketing manager. Marketing principle of customer orientation and marketing activities are coordinated, it is now becoming a management philosophy. The new philosophy is included in a strategy called the target management (management by objectives) .First, the company's goals should be determined in advance (ie achieve the satisfaction of consumers at a rate of profit). And then determine the purpose of each part of the company. Of course, the purpose of the different sections with the aim of parts of the others, although all of these objectives must be aligned with the general objectives of the company. Thus, we can conclude that every man and every part of the company engaged in a co-coordinated efforts to provide customer satisfaction, so that the company's goals can be realized.
In marketing, there are actually also the adjustment and coordination between product, price, distribution channels, and promotion to create a strong relationship with the customer exchange. So the price should be in accordance with the quality of the product and promotion should be in accordance with the channel, price and quality of the - business products. Business should also be coordinated with the time and place.
The purpose of using this marketing concept is to improve customer relations for a better relationship is very profitable for the company, and can increase profits, One of the objectives of all companies in general is to optimize profits. This is called orientation profit (profit orientation). With this profit, Performance Management can grow and develop, can use a greater ability, can provide a greater level of satisfaction on the consumer, as well as to strengthen the overall economic conditions.
There are some companies that clearly do not aim for profit, but the efforts were done always directed to increase sales or control a larger market. If they encounter a problem concerning the cost, certainly will review the ordinary profit also gained, So, without the company's profit is difficult to develop. Actually, this is only the general purpose of the Company. Many company also has several other purposes, such as providing reassurance to employees, help the community, and provide protection and satisfaction to the target market segments. Keep in mind that all the social purpose of an organization is dependent on the survival and long-term growth of the organization, and this may not be implemented without laba.Laba itself is a reflection of the efforts of companies that managed to give satisfaction to konsumen.Untuk give such satisfaction, the company can provide / sell goods and services that are best at decent prices.
As already mentioned upfront that the terms of sales and marketing is often considered to be synonymous. Actually, the two concepts have different meanings.
Institutions that use the concept of marketing has always sought to determine consumers' desire they had planned. Some organizations use marketing research to determine that desire. while others use the opinions, feelings, and marketing theory as a guide. After knowing the desires of consumers they are trying to develop a product or service that can fulfill that desire. Company - This company also formulates pricing policy and distribution patterns are directed to satisfy consumers. Finally, they promote the goods or services to give greater confidence to consumers.
In marketing concept, the goal is to serve the desire of consumers to obtain a profit, or can be defined as the ratio between the cost of a decent income. This differs from the concept which focuses on the sales of the company desires. Philosophy in the sales approach is to produce a product, and then convince consumers that are willing to buy it. While the marketing concept approach requires that management determines the desires of consumers first, only then do how to satisfy them.
At any concept of a sale is made, the number and type of personnel involved in marketing is a little, usually confined to the head of Marketing and promotional power power - (including salesman). As with the marketing concept. Here all personnel involved in the company strives to serve consumers. In practice, the leadership (Top Manager) should provide support, because without the support of leaders, personnel who are at the lower level will not be able to use the marketing concept.
Companies must apply the concept in marketing practice that benefits contained therein can be realized. This means that:
1. The marketing activities of the company should be coordinated and managed in a better way.
2. Head of Marketing must be adjusted to a more important role in the company.
This leads to the existence of two changes in marketing management began to evolve. It can be said that this is an action of marketing management from the marketing concept. Since the Industrial Revolution, marketing management has undergone several stages of development. But many companies are still at the first stage. As for the stage - the stage of development are: (1) phase, production orientation, (2) the orientation phase of sales, (3) the stage of marketing orientation, and (4) the stage of social responsibility, and human orientation.
1. Orientation Phase Production
In this first phase the company oriented to production (production-oriented). Objectives and corporate planning is determined by the Production Department. While the function of the Sales Department just selling produce, the price has been determined by the Production Department and Finance. Here, the marketing effort is not intended to get people who are willing to buy a product at a decent price. Producers who are in the first phase is already using the sales department, led by Head of Sales. However, marketing is not known in depth. Its main task is to manage salespeople only. If want to expand the market, sometimes - sometimes performed certain marketing activities such as advertising or marketing research. The concept shared by a relatively firm at this stage is called the concept of the product (product concept).
After the company successfully made goods on a large scale then arises the problem of how to sell these goods. Creating good stuff just is not enough to guarantee the success of marketing. The work in sales is measured primarily by the sales volume generated, and not from profit marketing. Thus, sales-oriented company (sales orientation) have embraced a concept called the concept of sales (sales concept).
3. Orientation Phase Marketing
In the third stage, the company adheres to the concept of integrated marketing management, and geared to consumers (consumer oriented) to obtain the volume of profitable sales. Attention has been entirely devoted to marketing problems, for example, inventory control, warehousing and all aspects of the planning of the goods is the responsibility of the marketing manager, he has a very important role since the beginning of the production cycle. Here, marketing is integrated into each phase of the operation. Marketing has a great influence on all the company's discretion both short term and long term. Success or failure of the implementation of the marketing concept is also held by the company (Top Manager). But it does not mean that the marketing manager must hold a top position within the company. Marketing concept does not state that the company leadership must come from the marketing department, but merely stated that the leadership should be oriented marketing.
Marketing-oriented company considers that sales orientation no longer meet expectations due to the rapid changes in technology and social. Also there is a very tight competition, accompanied by a sense of saturation on the consumer. Here the company is more concerned with the needs and desires of consumers rather than just increasing sales. Such companies have embraced a concept called the concept of marketing (marketing concept)
This stage involves the social and economic conditions in the 1970s, which is a stage in which the company oriented society (societal orientation). If the company wants to succeed or even survive, he must be able to respond in ways or habits in society. External factors may affect the company's marketing program. These factors regarding environmental issues and ecology, politics and the law, and so on. Factors such consumer dissatisfaction due to non-fulfillment of their expectations. For companies, profit is the goal of marketing continue. Therefore, the goal is better geared to the long term interests.
Macro environmental factors can affect the marketing systems of companies, such as; demography, economics, law and politics, technology and culture (all of these factors can not be controlled by the company). Here, the company strives to provide prosperity to consumers and society for the long term. Embraced concept called community marketing concept (socieatal marketing concept). Broadly, this stage can also be reviewed as an orientation period in humans (human oriented), in which there is a growing source of manpower that regulate marketing. Many people who claim that the availability of natural resources in the world is very limited, and the resources that have been used will not be replaced back. Because of all this people already have experience in the selection and allocation of some of these sources, then the fourth period can be viewed as a stage of survival (survival stage). In this case, problems such as the supply of fuel or other energy sources, water and clean air, and a pleasant living environment, being the center of attention. Therefore, the company should also be oriented supply (supply oriented).
So many marketing management relevant to the problem of creation and delivery of a better quality of life .Therefore community marketing concept is seen as a new marketing concept.
Well So that I can say today, may be useful and can promote the company and the economy of all of you, thank you for visiting see you next time * -)