Welcome Night brothers wherever you are, on occasion this evening I would like to share articles interesting enough for me to knowledge, which I share time is about the economy, the Economy is an important thing in life even within a country, the economy becomes an important component because it can affect people's welfare. just the first one is:

Marketing is one of the economic activities and assist in the creation of economic value. While the value of the economy itself will determine the price of goods and services for individuals .As important the factors that can create economic value are:
Which makes the production of goods
Distribute marketing
Consumption using such goods
Consumption was only implemented after the production and marketing activities. Thus, production and marketing can help implement the purpose of consumption. Marketing is between production and consumption, this means that marketing becomes a liaison between the two factors. In today's economic conditions, the absence of marketing people have difficulty achieving satisfactory consumption purposes.

Marketing is an important factor in a cycle that begins and ends with the needs of consumers. Marketing must be able to interpret the needs of consumers and combine it with market data such as customer location, number, and their preferences. Such information can be used as a basis to conduct the processing for the production activities. In this case, the task is to make the manufacturers of physical goods, and to present it to the consumer need to be combined with services such as credit, pricing, provision of information, and so on. A cycle will end when consumers are satisfied with the ownership of the goods, of course, this cycle like this will happen repeatedly and continuously.

Viewed from this cycle, in the part of the seller who runs marketing activities, and the buyer is at the point of consumption. Often found that the producers who undertake production activities, also doubles as a seller. on the other hand, marketing can be done by the party that functions as a purchasing agent for the consumer, or they can be as a sales agent for manufacturers.

Some experts have proposed a definition of marketing that looks somewhat different though equally real. This difference is because they are reviewing the marketing of different terms, there is more focus on in terms of function, in terms of goods, in terms of its institutions, in terms of management, and there is also the focus of all these terms as a system.

Some of these experts is Philip Kotler, Phili according to Kotler, the exchange is the focal point of marketing activities in which someone tried to offer some value to others. With the exchange, a wide range of social groups such as individuals - individuals, small groups, organizations, and groups, other communities can fulfill their needs.

We already know that in society there are various groups who want to meet their needs. For this purpose, they should be making an effort, so that the other one with one another. Kotler proposed definition of marketing as follows:

Marketing is human activity that is directed at an attempt to satisfy the wants and needs through the exchange process.

According to that definition, the early humans must find their needs first and then strive to meet them in a way to make contact. Can also be said that the marketing activities that were created by buyers and sellers .Both sides equally want to find satisfaction. In this case the buyer tried to make ends meet, while the seller trying to make a profit. Both kinds of these interests could be met by conducting mutual exchange. So, a person needs to meet to find others who are willing to serve.

Furthermore, to find out more about the marketing process, we can review a draft of the following:

Marketing is an attempt to satisfy the needs of buyers and sellers

Here there is an assumption that marketing is a process that provides answers to the needs and desires of a person, thus it can be said that almost everyone directly or indirectly involved in marketing. This is because they both have the desire and needs.

So in essence, marketing can create and maintain relationships exchanges. while the exchange may include the exchange of goods with money, can also goods with goods (barter), the idea of ​​money (education), services with money, and all exchange relations, including government transactions.

Was first studied marketing as a field of business is in 1902. At that time still referred to as the distribution of goods, and marketing rooted in a process distribution. The American Marketing Association has provided a definition of marketing as follows:

Marketing is a business activity that directs the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers or users

So, after the period of 1900s, marketing was included as a business activity. In the period 1900 to the 1960s, there are several different concepts of the meaning of marketing. At that time, marketing activities deemed as:

a business activity: as a group of interrelated business activities: a commercial embodiment; as a framework of goals; as a function of determining policy coordinative and integrative; as an economic process; as an institutional structure; as the exchange or transfer of ownership of an item; as a process of concentration, akualisasi and dispresi; as creation time uses, where ownership; as a process of adjustment of demand and supply; and so on.

During the 1960s, the emphasis in marketing management switch on marketing, so marketing is defined as the management of the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers.

1970s. marketing concept was expanded again, covering also the activities of organizations / non-profit organizations (organizations that do not prioritize profit). Then, marketing was seen as all exchange activities, such as marketing definition put forward by Philip Kotler upfront. From the definitions that exist can be concluded THAT:

1. Marketing is done by individuals and organizations
2. The purpose of marketing is to give the possibility, facilitate and encourage the exchange of
3. Objective exchange is to satisfy human needs and desires
4  Marketing done by the seller and the buyer.

People who only know a little about marketing, often have misunderstandings. For example, a seller (salesman) or the sales manager to talk about marketing, but the actual issues being discussed is a sale; an advertising manager interpret it as advertising; and a department store manager interpret it as a trade or retail trade.

In fact they are only talking about one part of the overall marketing activities. So the marketing term is often confused with terms such as: sales, trading, and distribution. Because the term "marketing" embraces a broad sense, the third term upfront only an activity or a part of it. Thus, marketing is the whole of the notion of:

* Sales
ie one part of the promotion and promotion is a part of the overall marketing program.

* Trade
Namely product planning, including planning to acquire goods or services that are good for the market at the right time, at the level of a decent price, and with the appropriate color and size.

* Distribution
Namely the structure of retail trade and large trade channels which are used to deliver goods to market.

* Physical Distribution
Ie the types of activities such as transporting material flow, storage, and inventory control.

In fact, the marketing process that begins long since before the goods are manufactured, does not begin at the completion of production, also does not end with the sale. All the decisions taken in the field of marketing should be aimed at defining the product and the market, price and promotion. The most important thing employers should be able to give satisfaction to the consumer if they want their business going, or the consumer has a good view of the company. Better warranties on goods and services can be carried out after the sale.

We now discuss the concept of marketing in the broadest sense. Therefore, the definition that we use is the definition of who is considered the most extensive marketing (presented by William J. Staton) as follows:

Marketing is a whole system of business activities aimed at planning, pricing, promoting, and mendsitribusikan goods and services that can satisfy the needs of the buyer's existing and potential buyers.

In detail, these definitions can be separated into several of the following sequence:
1.Some system; a system of business activity
2.Be made for; planning, pricing, promoting, and distributing.
3.Something valuable: the goods and services that can satisfy the needs.
4. For the interest of the market; market, in the form of potential domestic consumers or industrial users.

As for the essential elements contained in this definition is:
- First, the definition of the system and the definition of which is management.
- Second, existing business systems must be oriented to the market or consumers. The buyer needs to be understood and served effectively.
- Third, these definitions suggest that marketing is a dynamic business process (the whole process that is integrated), not only shows the classification of institutions and functions of course, marketing is not an activity, or a number of activities but is the result of the interaction of many activities.
- Fourth, the marketing program stems from an idea about the product and does not end until the needs of underserved subscription, which sometimes occurs after penjuaalan done
- Finally, the definition implies that to achieve success, marketing must be able to maximize profitable sales over the long term, so buyers should be served satisfactorily be willing to buy back the company concerned.


In a review of the historical development of marketing, we will see how marketing exist and thrive as a community activities, activities of society as it is today called a socioeconomic system that includes labor, industrialization, and urbanization, is derived from a community called economics craft house where every person or a family trying to meet their own needs.

The emergence of marketing activities has close links with the economic growth of a nation. At the time of each person make their own everything it needs (such as providing their own food, make their own clothes, and build their own houses) is not exchanged. Similarly, if there is already a specialty activity in the form of her husband and sons foraging by way of hunting or fishing, and his wife and daughters taking care of the household and kitchen. Here was not exchanged so that it can be said there is no marketing activities.

Only after they have excess or feel the lack of something they need or that they make, then there was an exchange in a very simple form. At that moment marketing started. This activity evolved into a small business activities, where everything that is produced is still made by hand. Then they tried to make the goods in bulk to meet future needs.

To carry out these efforts, they need both material and labor in larger quantities. Additional labor is not only necessary for the production or manufacture of goods, but also needed to help in the sale of these items. When they only help in selling goods only, does not participate in production activities, and efforts to stand alone, they act as intermediaries linking producers with consumers.

Emerging modern marketing along with the industrial revolution. The goods were originally made by hand, are now made in factories are mostly established in the city. Marketing on a large scale is the starting point for successful large-scale production. With this mass marketing systems, factories will operate at the level of optimum results. Here the marketing activities become more complex, the trade channel becomes longer and must be used better marketing methods.

So, marketing is a process that varies in accordance with the conditions of society. Political, social, technological, and physical characteristics of a society will determine the form of marketing is doing. Marketing properties that vary both in the society itself and in various situations, for example in a socialist country (like Russia), government power to determine what should be made, where, when, and how to make it. Capitalist country (like the USA), the opportunity for producing and marketing are in free enterprise system.

Changing nature of marketing between nations that have been developed with the growing nation. In the United States, for example, services is the dominant element in a person's consumption expenditure. Whereas in developing countries such as Indonesia, the service is less dominant element; goods of basic necessities such as food, clothing, and housing is dominated consumer spending.

Well so that I can say today , may be useful and can promote household economy, society, the State and even to the world, thank you for visiting , see you next time * -)

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