Description of Self-employment and entrepreneurship

Description of Self-employment and entrepreneurship

^Entrepreneur :

 is a person who strives to live independently without following the Belgian company to meet the needs of his life the idea to open an employment for himself or for another person, The entrepreneur is appropriate have ideas or new ideas to open up employment because she was able to change her life by not depending on the company that is in a sense very binding his creativity to go forward into the future he aspire Intelligent reading, business opportunities as well as risks of mempertingbangkan is the hallmark of an entrepreneurial, because some entrepreneur will think of mature-mature type of business that she would develop. According to some experts about the entrepreneurial
According to Richard Cantillon (1755) was an inventor and entrepreneurial individuals who build something unique and new.

According to j. b. Say (1803), self-employment is entrepreneurs who are able to man
age resources economically and owned (effective and efficient) and low productivity levels become high.
According to Dan Stein and Jhon f. Burgess (1993), the entrepreneur is the one who organizes, manages, and dare to bear all the risk of creating business opportunities and new ventures.

According to Schumpeter (Bygrave, 1996), was an entrepreneur who obtain opportunities and creates organizations to pursue these opportunities.
According to Mas'ud Machfoedz and Mahmud Machfoedz (2004), self-employment is an innovator who is able to transform opportunity into an idea that could be sold, can provide added value through the effort, time, cost, and skills with the purpose of profit.


Is a person's ability to read business opportunities in the surroundings and able to generate the kind of business or product is capable of competing with the global market with the use of resources in both the Power of the mind, it is also time to afford mencitakan new breakthroughs in the industrialized world people managed as well as having a strong character not despair is characteristic of an entrepreneur.
According to Stephen Robins, entrepreneurship is the process of pursuing various opportunities to meet needs and wants through innovation.
According to Salim Siagian, entrepreneurship is the passion, the behavior and the ability to give a positive response to the opportunity to gain advantage for yourself and better service to the customer/community, as well as creating and providing products that are more usable by implementing a more efficient way of working and effective, through the courage of taking risks, creativity, innovation and management capabilities.

So in conclusion I Self-employment is the abuser or someone who wants to change his life without a pocket to others.
While the Entrepreneur Is a person's ability in reading business opportunities,Thank you already want to read our articles may be useful and good evening

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