Coordination in Management

1. Understanding
Coordination is an attempt to prevent chaos, strife, job vacancy, so that the objective can be achieved

Coordination is the act of a manager to seek the harmony between tasks / work carried out by someone / parts one by one / the other part, to avoid confusion in the implementation of the work.

According to Dr. Awaloedin Djamin, MPA: Coordination is a cooperative venture between agencies, institutions, units in the execution of certain tasks such that there are complementary, help each other and complement each other.

2. Coordination is important because:
a. Coordination enables a completion of the work as a whole
b. Each part of the organization that forms a whole becomes very important under the coordination
c. Coordination concerned with the human element
d. Coordination can bind into a single integral unit of some sort levels of the organization.

3. Coordination can be distinguished:
a. Vertical coordination
b. Horizontal coordination

Vertical Coordination is the act of unification, the direction that is run by the boss of the activities, units, units of work that is under the authority and responsibility.

Horizontal coordination; namely the coordination is done at the organization level, or have the same level.

Horizontal coordination is divided into two:
- Interdisciplinary; Coordination is carried out on units that have the same duties and functions.
- Inter-related; Coordination between institutions (agencies) that have different functions, but have interdependencies between each other.

4. Terms Coordination:
a. Sense of Cooperation (feeling to cooperate). Each part must be able to work together (not cooperation between person)
b. rivalry; In larger companies often held competition between parts, so that these parts are racing to achieve progress and goals.
c. Team Sirit; meaning that every person / parts of the organization must be mutual respect prices.
d. Esprit de Corps; meaning that each part must be increased morale.

5. Nature of Coordination:

and. Coordination is dynamic, not static.
b. Coordination emphasizes a holistic view by management within the framework of achieving a goal
c. Coordination only reviewing a work as a whole.

6. How to Hold Coordination:

a. A formal meeting regularly and periodically
b. Creating a handbook on the working procedures of the execution of each task.
c. Leaders hold an informal meeting with his subordinates in the context of providing guidance, counseling and guidance.
d. Encourages members to exchange ideas, put forward ideas.
e. Encourage members to participate in the formulation tingka, creation targets.

7. Barriers In Doing Coordination:
a. Because each part concerned with their share
b. Because departmentation.

Due to Lack of coordination:
1. Officers / employees will fight among themselves about their rights, but throwing responsibility.
2. The decision made less than perfect, because of the lack of material collected from various units.

8. How to Overcome Lack of coordination:

a. The division of labor is clear and all work must be given out.
b. Cultivate a spirit of cooperation in the good sense.
c. Prepare adequate communication facilities
d. Create a coordination measures continuously.

9. The terms of coordination:
- Each part must be able to cooperate
- each part must compete to achieve goals, improve morale.
- every man / part must be mutual respect prices.

1. Understanding
Granting authority is the authority by a leader to his subordinates to carry out certain tasks.

The authority of the person's activities manager to assign subordinates to be doing most of the tasks of the manager, and at the same time give power to subordinates, so that subordinates can carry out his duties well or be accountable for his work.

Delegation of authority is a division of labor process, grouping the duties of a manager in such a way, so that eventually the manager only do the jobs that can not be delegated.

Delegation of authority is the process by which managers allocate authority down to the people who report to him.

From some of the above it can be seen that there are three elements in the delegation of authority, namely:
a. Responsibility (assignment)
b. Authority (the power or authority)
c. Accountability (accountability)
These three elements can not be separated in terms of delegated authority, meaning that if one element is missing, the delegation of authority is not going to go well.

2. Principles of Delegation of Authority

a. The principle of delegation on the expected results
b. The principle of determining the function or clarity of task
c. The principle of periodic chain
d. Principles levels of authority
e. The principle of unity of command
f. The principle of absolute liability
g. The principle of balance between authority and responsibility
h. The principle of division of labor
i. The principle of efficiency

3. The delegation of authority needs to be done in an organization / company because: (a few reasons why a delegation of authority to do)
a. More and breadth of the company / job and no longer possible to be done by the manager.
b. Delegation is an important step to develop a subordinate
c. If the manager is absent, then that task can be delegated to others.
d. Delegation of authority is key to an organization.

On the other hand there is also the manager who did not want to do the delegation of authority. This has several reasons, namely:
a. Delegation of authority can reveal managerial weaknesses, procedures, methods that are less precise.
b. Managers want power
c. The manager did not want to bear the risk / errors committed by subordinates, because subordinates are capable of taking the wrong decision.
d. Managers fear that subordinates will carry out its duties effectively, so that his own position is threatened.
e. The manager did not / have less confidence in the abilities of subordinates.
f. There is a tendency in people to want to carry out certain things personally.

The obstacles in the process of devolution, not all from the manager, but can also be sourced from subordinates. In the subordinate party also has some reasons, so they do not want to accept the delegation, namely:
a. With delegates, meaning a subordinate received additional job / responsibility.
b. There is a feeling of subordinates that they will carry out his new powers with one and accept criticism.
c. Subordinates lacked the self-confidence and feel depressed when delegated decision-making authority is greater.

4. Terms Delegation Privileges
a. Elements delegate (duties, powers and responsibilities)
b. Managers must mendeleger the right people
c. Managers must provide sufficient rules and procedures for the implementation of tasks.
d. Managers must provide incentives (stimulating) to subordinates, both material and non-material.

Besides the terms mentioned above, the delegation of authority will be done by a manager if the manager has a personal attitude as follows:
a. Must be able to accept the opinions of others
b. Must be willing to relinquish some of its powers to subordinates
c. Must trust the other person / subordinate
d. Must be able to carry out intensive monitoring, rigorous and comprehensive.

Centralization and Decentralization

Centralized and decentralized management is very closely related to the delegation of authority, however please note that centralization and decentralization in management can not be done absolutely.

Centralization is largely authority / power is still held by the top management, only a limited number are disseminated to the market throughout the organizational structure, whereas

Decentralization is largely the authority has been disseminated to all the organizational structure (to the existing units) to be carried out, and only a limited number of authority is still held by the manager.

Tasks that can be delegated, may be viewed from:
1. From the point process (management functions):
a. Planning and implementation, largely can be delegated to others.
b. Supervision, a limited number that can be delegated.
2. From the point of these areas:
a. Field of Personnel and Finance, should not be delegated or in other words to be centralized.
b. While the fields of Production and Marketing largely be delegated.

Similarly, for today, thank you for visiting see you next time ;-)

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