Culture and class - social class whose members include individuals themselves, have a major influence on their behavior in the purchase of goods. In addition, psychological factors such as: experience, personality, attitudes and beliefs, as well as the concept of the self, is also not a little influence on the consumer.

This culture is very broad in nature, and concerning all aspects of human life. By Staton, this culture defined as follows: it is a symbol of culture and the fact that the complex, which is created by humans, scaled captivate the generations that as a determinant and regulator of human behavior within existing society.

       The symbol can be subtle (such as attitudes, opinions, beliefs, values, language, religion) or can also be subtle (tools, housing, products, artwork, etc.). Everyone can feel hungry, but what to eat and how to satisfy the hunger, all contained within the culture. So, in fact there are many human behavior is determined by culture, and its influence will change each time according to the progress / development of the era of the society.

Social cultural factors that could influence the views and purchasing behavior are social classes. In essence, our society can be grouped into three categories, namely:

* Group over
   Included in this class include: entrepreneurs - wealthy businessmen, high ranking officials.

* The middle class
   Included in this class include: employees of government agencies, medium entrepreneurs

* Type Low
   Included in this class include: factory workers, petty officers, and small traders.

The division of society into three groups above are relative because it is difficult to quantify exactly. The basis used in this classification are, level income, kinds of housing, and location of residence. In fact, each class has its own level of happiness. Therefore, it can not always assume that the upscale happier or more superior than the middle class and lower class.

In between classes - these classes there are also differences - differences psikhologis. It seemed obvious at the time they responded differently to advertising companies. A person's membership in a class may affect behavior in purchasing. In general, a person of low class will use some money carefully compared with others of the upper class that uses the same amount of money in big. In memilh seller, the upper class is more likely to enter and shop at the most good.

This small reference group also influences the behavior of a person in the purchase, and is often used as guidelines by consumers in the act. Therefore, the consumer always keep an eye on the behavior of the group both physically and mentally. Small reference group including among others: the union, athletic teams, religious associations, neighborhoods, and so on. Each group usually has opinion pioneer (opinionlearder) which may affect members - members buy something. Their interactions are often done individually (eg face to face), so that a person easily influenced by others to buy something. Sometimes, the advice of others are more influential than advertising in magazines, newspapers, television, or other media. In addition, the group norms also affect each member of the group.

      In this case, the marketing manager needs to know who is the pioneer of the opinion of a group, because the pioneers of this opinion could influence members of the group concerned. A pioneer opinion of a grup can be a follower of opinion (opinion follower) in the other group

      In the family, each - each member can do different things to buy something. Each family member has different tastes and desires. Child ren for example, does not always receive anything from their parents, but also wanted something else. What more children - children who are older, they desire more and more. However, there is need for a family that is in use by all members, such as: furniture, televisions, wardrobes ice, and so on.

Therefore, the marketing manager needs to know the truth:

* Who influenced the decision to buy
* Who makes the decision to buy
* Anyone who makes a purchase
* Who wearer products

       Fourth it can be done by different people, or it can also be done by one or several people. Once a family member can serve as a decision maker, but at different times he can act as buyers. Often found that the decision to buy is made together - equally between husband and wife, sometimes also referred to -sometimes children, especially fatherly buying needs of the entire family.
      About who is making a purchase, will affect the company's marketing policy in terms of products produced, distribution channels, pricing, and promotion.

            Experience can affect a person in the act of observation. The experience can be obtained from all the actions in the past or can be learned, because by studying a person can gain experience. Interpretation and forecasting consumer learning process is key to know the behavior of buyers. and here, we can use the theory of learning which consists of: a. stimulus-response theory, b. cognitive theory, and c.gestalt and field theory.

      Many schools have psikhologi the study of human personality. Although there is no definition of a recognized personality challenged in general, but we need to acquire boundaries. personality trait can be defined as a pattern of an individual which may determine the response to bertingka behavior. Actual personality traits influence consumers to view and purchase behavior is very common.
      To study the personality of a person, we have to know the theory psikhoanalitis in advance. In theory this psikhoanalitis, motif someone purchases a product, a particular vendor, or other actions that may be hidden purchases. This can be determined by conducting research techniques viable, called the research motivation (motivation research).

      Attitude and confidence are factors that influence the views and consumer purchase behavior. Attitude itself influence trust and confidence also affects attitudes. One element that really stands out here is the emotional feelings both positive and negative on an item, service, or brand.

      Another factor that will determine the behavior of buyers is the concept of self. The concept itself is a way for someone to look at himself, and at the same time he has a picture of himself to others. Some psikholog distinguish the concept of self into: (a). real self-concept, and (b). The ideal self-concept (how aspired to see herself).
      Marketing manager must be able to identify the goal konsumsen because it can affect their behavior .in particular situation, we can determine this goal if you know about a person's self-concept. Typically, a person's self-concept is only declared with a goal only, and does not say why the concept of self is present. Everyone has a self-concept exists. Everyone has a self-concept is different, thus allowing for a different view of the company's marketing efforts.

       Consumer behavior will determine the decision-making process in purchasing them. The process is an approach to the settlement of a problem-solving approach that be composed on six stages, namely:

1) Analyze wants and needs, especially to determine the wants and needs are unmet or unsatisfied
2) Assess the existing sources.
3) Establish the purpose of purchase.
4) Identify alternative purchase
5) Take a decision to buy
6) Behavior after purchase

      The whole process was not always carried out by consumers in the purchase. No implementation of several stages of the process might just be contained in an emotional purchase. So, the whole process is only carried out in exceptional circumstances, for example: the purchase of goods that have a high price.
            Consumers will be easier to make decisions on re-purchase or purchases that are constantly on the same product (including equal in price and quality). If these factors change, then the buyer will reconsider its decisions, including the issue of the brand.

         Motifs from oneself will realize a behavior directed at a goal of reaching satisfaction. While the behavior directed at a goal that is influenced by a person's view. Therefore it is necessary to know why consumers behave so
By reviewing the further we can find out that the actual consumer behavior that starts with a motivational. Then what is the motive? is definitive can be said that motivation is a desire boost goal-directed individuals to obtain satisfaction.

Thus, the hunger, the desire to feel safe, and a desire to pertise are some examples of motives. In this case we need to remember that one wishes it to be created or encouraged prior to satisfy a motive. Source that encourages a desire may be to oneself (such as hunger) or in the environment (such as seeing an interesting meal). Or, with food may lead to hunger.

Because there is no acceptable motive classification in general, then we can not know in depth about human motives. However, psikholog-psikholog generally agree that the motif can be classified into two categories, namely:

1) The desire for physical (such as the desire for food, drink, sex, and body growth).
2) The desire psikholog, such as:
- Motif instincts and motives studied.
- Motif products and protection (why consumers buy the product, and why they buy on a particular vendor).
- Motif primary and selective motif (a reason to buy a product, and the reason to buy a particular brand of these products

       AH Maslow (in his book Motivation and Personality, published by Harper and Row publishers Incorporated, New York, 1954) have developed theories of motivation to identify a hierarchy of human desires into five levels (shown in Table 4)

       According to Maslow, the main desire of man is at the first level , namely the desire psiologis (eating, drinking, and so on) . after the first desire is fulfilled , then stepping on the desire of the second (higher), namely the desire or safety. The third desire was only implemented after the desires of both are met. Such a process is running continuously until finally fulfilled fifth desire (desire for true self).

         For marketing managers is important to understand what is the motive of a person purchases of a product or to a particular vendor, since this can affect enterprise promotion program. For example, one particular brand of motorcycle buyers because durability . The motif then can be used as a basis for the promotion program of the company.

            After learning about the motives of consumers , we need to learn how - how these motives can is known . way pursued among others by conducting research motivation. In this case, some forms of marketing research can be used to interpret and predict the behavior of buyers, as well as observation techniques and survey techniques (survey).

            Observation techniques can be used to measure purchasing patterns of behavior, while the survey technique (with a list of questions) was used to conduct interviews directly or indirectly with people - people on the subject of why they buy certain brands, or they buy on a particular seller.

            The use of the technique - the technique is intended to get the reason why consumers behave thus. often, the real motive of the buyer and its influence - influence other behavior that can not be known, hidden, or even very complex to be determined by a direct question. therefore, it is necessary to use a research technique that indirectly, by research motivation.

   So, the research seeks to explain why the buyer's motivation to behave so, particularly in circumstances where the buyer himself did not know the real reason, or if he knows but is not willing to say it openly.


            There are several different techniques that can be used in the research motivation, namely: (1) in-depth interviews (depth interview), (2) projective techniques.

(1) The in-depth interview

      This technique is done by conducting lengthy interviews with a respondent and free. Here, the interviewer more passive, and only listen to and record all conversations respondent (interviewee). If the respondent talks deviate from the problem, then the interviewer may disconnect, then redirecting the conversation sbenarnya intent. To implement this technique, peawancara to be quite an expert and understand about the matter. Therefore, it is often used by the student as an interview.

(2) Projective Techniques

      Although some projective techniques can be used in the research of motivation, but in essence-engineering technique that has the same functionality. This technique describes a person's mind to something that is in vogue. In this way the respondent is expected to be argued that the real motive. Techniques - techniques include (a) the word association test, and (b) thematic apperception test.

a. Word association test
In this test a word mentions interviewer and respondent forward with words that exist in his mind. There are variations of the test, called the test finish the sentence. Here, the respondent was asked to complete the sentence, mislnya:
· "I use goods with brand FG, because ...."
· Or "I think everyone will love the brand FG, because ..."

b. Thematic apperception (T.A.T)
In this test, the respondent is shown on one or several images are vague - vague, or images that have more than one meaning. and then he was asked to tell about the picture. Variations of this technique can be a test of cardboard (cartoon test), the respondent is shown in an image along with the alternative title. Then he was asked to choose a title that is considered most appropriate.

A few first from me, hopefully this knowledge can be useful for all of us, your business will run more smoothly and can improve the economy of the family and the State of course. Thank you for visiting see you next time * -)

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1 komentar:

20 January 2016 at 02:24 delete

this useful , thanks
