ETIKA (ontologis)

The basic properties of ethics is a critical nature, ethics charge:

To question the norms that are considered valid. Investigates whether the basic norm and whether it justifies basic obedience demanded by the norms of international law applicable to the norm
Ethics asking questions about its legitimacy, it means the norm that can not defend themselves from the critical question would automatically lose his right
Ethics mempersolakan also the right of every institution such as parents, schools, the state and religion to give orders or restrictions that must be obeyed
Ethics can deliver humans, the critical nature and rational
Ethics provided supplies to man to take a rational attitude towards all norms.

ETIKA (ontologis) info google

Ethics becomes a tool of rational thinking and responsible for the experts and for anyone who does not want tossed about by the existing norms. Etymologically the word ethics is derived from the Greek "Ethos" which means custom character or decency. The word is synonymous with the word moral is derived from the Latin word "mos" is in the plural form Mores also means that Indigenous or way of life. Ethics and Moral has the same meaning, but in daily use there is little difference. Moral or morality is usually used for actions that are being assessed, while ethics system used for the assessment of existing values.

According to Ir Poedjawiyatna, ethics is a branch of philosophy of ethics are looking for good size bad for human behavior. Ethics wants to find, Which human action is good.

Meanwhile, according to Austin Fogothetu etikika relate to the whole science of man and society as: anthropology, psychology, sociology, economics, political science and jurisprudence. The difference lies in the aspect of necessity (ought). Differences with moral theology, because not be based on religious rules, but is limited to the knowledge born human power alone.

Differences Understanding Ethics, Etiquette, Morals, Law and Religion

Differences Ethics and Etiquette:

The two terms are often equated means, whereas the difference between the two is very basic. From his origins differ, the Ethics and Ethiquetle. Ethics means while Eiket mean moral manners.
However, though different, there are similarities between the two, namely:
Both involve human behavior
Ethics and eiket regulate human behavior is normative, meaning giving perilku norm for humans and thus the states what to do or not to do.

The difference is important, among others, namely:

Etiquette regarding how the act should be human. Among several possible ways, etiquette shows the proper way, which means that the expected way and are defined in a specific community.
Ethics is not limited to how to do a deed. Ethics concerns the choice of whether the act should be done or not.
Etiquette is only valid in the association. If there are no witnesses, then the etiquette do not apply.
Ethics is always valid even though there were no witnesses, does not depend on whether or not a person.
Etiquette is relative means offending a culture dala, isa just considered polite in other cultures.
Ethics is much more absolute. The principles are not negotiable.
Etiquette mausiadari memadang only superficial terms.
Ethics in menyangkutmanusia terms. People who behave ethically is a person who is really good.

Moral and Legal Differences:

Actually, the top two are a fairly close relationship. Because anatara with each other and influence each other in need. Quality is determined by the moral law. Therefore the law must be assessed / measured by moral norms. Moral laws can not be replaced when a society reaches the stage of moral consciousness mature enough. Instead morale also requires legal, moral will float only if it is not confirmed, disclosed and institutionalized in society. Thus the law could increase the impact of social morality.
However nonetheless between Morals and law should be distinguished. The differences include:
An objective law because the law is written and compiled in the statute books. Then the law is to have greater certainty.
Norma is subjective and consequently are often plagued by the question or discussion wanted clarity about the ethical and absence.
The law limiting its scope to the outward behavior of man.
Meanwhile, concerning the behavior of one's inner morality.

Legal sanctions can usually .
Meanwhile, the only moral sanction is in the fact that his conscience would feel uneasy.
Legal sanctions are essentially based on the will of the people.
While morality can not be altered by community
Differences Ethics and Religion:
Ethics supports the existence of religion, which could help human ethics in using the mind to solve problems.
The difference between ethics and moral teachings of religion that bases itself on the ethics of rational argument. While religion requires one to base yourself in the Lord's time and religious teachings.

Ethics and Moral
Ethics is more inclined towards the science of good or bad. In addition to the more commonly known as the ethics code of ethics.
Morality is moral nature or the overall principles or values ​​pertaining to bad either.

Two basic rules of morality are:

Good Attitude Rule. Basically, we should be kind to anything. How good attitude it should be expressed in concrete form, depending on what is good in the concrete situation.

Rule of Justice. The principle of justice is equality still considering the needs of others. Similarity load used should be the same, which of course adapted to angoota levels respectively.

2.3. The Role of Ethics in the Development of Science and Technology

Science and Technology development occurred very quickly. With these developments are expected to sustain and improve human life. To become fully human. So it is not enough to rely on science and technology, human beings must live in depth the ethical code of science, technology and life. If humans are far from nalai-value, then the life will feel dry and empty. Therefore, science and technology developed by human beings should not ignore the values ​​of life and nobleness.

Rate a scientist might go wrong and deviate from the norm, seyokyanya can be replaced by an ethic that can guarantee the existence of a shared responsibility, namely the government, the public and the scientists themselves.

2.4. ethics Academics

2.4.1. Honesty in professional ethics

Honesty is a very fundamental thing of the man who will be very influential in the life of society. Honesty certainly taught by all religions through their books. Honesty and fairness is the key principal in the act, work and interact with the environment. This is very aware considering a work when it is not based on honesty, is a bad start and havoc

2.4.2. taxonomy Dishonesty

a. false

Someone said to lie when he is informed as they should, but does not say so. Or in the event of a fault that he knew, but he would not make the effort to speak the truth or justification.

b. Deliberately cheating

This happens, for example, when the conditions of applying for a job, and he said something that did not have the experience. But still, in order to get the job done.

c. Using the data Others / Client

Often, an expert with the deliberate use of data / information that is manifestly not the result of his work, although it may be the data / information obtained from former clients.

d. withhold information

The actual information to be delivered instead saved or not delivered. For example, an employer does not provide information on subordinates and vice versa.

e. Not Disseminate Information

The main objective of an expert is in the midst of society is to protect and maintain the security and welfare of the community. It is necessary for the dissemination of information to the people who really need that information, rather than distributing them, especially when the information is very valuable and urgent for the community.

Misuse Use of Data:

In scientific terms this abuse is divided into four kinds:

a. trimming
Also known as smoothing, which smoothes the data so that the data is accurate and zoom look more better.

b. cooking
Is an attempt to create / manipulate the data such that it becomes "Fit - Cook" (in accordance) with a theorem / theories have existing. So it looks correct.

c. Forging
Simple understanding seola forging is manipulating the data if it has been doing experiments. Data that is partially or completely made as though derived from the experimental results.
d. plagiarism

Case is often muculdi society, where a person takes, using data / results of other people's work without permission from the person who made it.
Problems in Publication

In the publication of the work usually occurs violations ignores ethics, for example:

a. plagiarism,
explained above

b. referencing
Cheating form penukilan in writing scientific papers but did not include the name of the author or source penukilan was taken. Hakl is so contrary to the ethics.

c. Authorship and Kontrtribusi
Problems arise when establishing who will be included in the study author either in the report or papers. This problem is particularly clear when the research was done by the group and among them are inactive, the question arises whether the person deserves to have his name included in that work.

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